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There is always an article on local scientific news from our National Organising Committee in it. You can also keep up with the latest news from Singapore: experiences, innovation, sustainability, and melting pots. Discover the joys and triumphs of the host city of the 25th World Congress of Dermatology.
Our Ambassadors have agreed to share their contributions in the Global Dermatology section, which contains dermatology articles from around the world. Dermatology without borders! Our newsletter always includes articles on trending topics, such as the Impact of covid-19 on medical congresses, and from here you can stay up to date with scientific news, keeping up with the new era we are in.
All updates on Congress organisers, including news from ILDS or DSS, will be published in the newsletter.
You’ll also be able to connect to our podcasts and social media with a single click. Last but not least, any current updates on online registration, abstract submission, and scholarship applications will be available in the newsletter.
See you in Singapore!