What are the effects of CoViD-19 on the skin?

With the first issue of the WCD2023 newsletter, we inaugurate the first major collection of scientific contributions on the effects of CoViD-19 on the skin from all around the world.
In the past months, global attention has been attracted by the CoViD-19 virus. It has been discussed from every point of view from the scientific, clinical and medical, to the social, economic and political one. Its devastating impact has also been discussed at length, although its effects cannot be fully classified yet.
The CoViD-19 epidemic immediately appeared to be a unique event.
As the most democratic of epidemics, it did not distinguish between rich and poor, it did not respect any boundaries, it did not look at the colour of the skin, let alone the social status of its victims: it spared no one, no sector of our lives and our society.
Above all, this virus has involved all medical disciplines across the board, contributing to the global debate with studies, research and observations. And this has also happened in the dermatological field.
The existence of a strong link between CoViD-19 and Dermatology is known to the global scientific community. There has been a great proliferation of information and the purely scientific news, often incomprehensible to most people, has remained in the background, hidden by the more generalist and simple information.
We felt that the first issue of the 25th World Congress of Dermatology newsletter was an excellent opportunity to talk about this topic.
We like to think of this newsletter as an extension of WCD2023. We like to think of it as an information and communication tool that allows us to share knowledge and collect contributions from all over the world.
What are the effects of CoViD-19 on the skin?
Are they the same in all parts of the world?