WCD2023 scientific programme update

The Scientific Programme Committee of WCD2023 has been working hard to develop the programme framework and topic areas
The Scientific Programme Committee of WCD2023 has been working hard to develop the programme framework and topic areas. The provisional programme topics are available here (link to WCD2023 web page)
Over the coming months the Committee, led by Chair Martin Röcken, will flesh-out the programme of sessions spanning the length and breadth of dermatology. ILDS Members have provided feedback on the topic areas and will be submitting names for speakers, moderators, and rising star nominations for the SPC’s consideration.
In line with ILDS’ Equality Statement, ILDS and WCD 2023 are committed to working with our members and our partners in global dermatology to promote the diversity and equal consideration of all individuals in dermatological research, policy, practice and, where possible, in public life. The WCD Scientific Programme will strive to be representative of our membership paying careful attention of the following:
- geographical representation of speakers
- gender balance of speakers
- continuing to champion and support the best and brightest rising stars in dermatology through promoting the inclusion of a rising star speaker in programme sessions
- including patient organisation leaders and patient speakers within the scientific programme
- involving other professions and stakeholders in the programme (e.g. nurses, pharmacists, allied health professionals and health workers, civil society, decision-makers (e.g. policy-makers)) in order to foster an integrated approach which promotes collaboration
The World Congress of Dermatology is a global meeting and should reflect this in its design and execution. We look forward to working with you to achieve this aim.